miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Spencer Tunick. Fotografía

Mexico Nude Photos 344047  344051 MEXICO-TUNICK/ 344059 Spencer Tunick 700 people naked to fight climate change

Fuissé, Burgundy, 3rd October 2010. On the initiative of Greenpeace France and world-famous artist Spencer Tunick, 700 volunteers pose nude in a human installation in a vineyard in the south of Burgundy. The impacts of climate change are already being felt all around the world. In France, they are affecting the wines and the vineyards. These installations are an intense illustration of the vulnerability of humankind and its culture to climate change.
With only 80 days left before the Climate Conference in Copenhagen, in this extremely important year for the future of the Earth, Greenpeace, Spencer Tunick and all the volunteers who participated in this unique installation hope it will help raise awareness and put pressure on leaders to act now ! 59765769 344076 Spencer Tunick

2 comentarios:

  1. aerocenablow magnifica herramienta cada ves mas cerca de los verdaderos artistas me iluminan
